Bringing Mr. B Home

Now that we are a solid two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, we're finally starting to see some return to normality. Children are back in school, visiting friends isn't as scary, and toilet paper is readily available (knock on wood). The metaphorical distance between us is getting smaller and smaller each day... well, for most of us, that is.

Though only separated by 44 miles, Mr. and Mrs. B have not slept under the same roof in over two years. Before the pandemic began, Mr. B suffered a life-threatening health scare and has been under professional care in Houston for the last two years. His wife, who now lives alone in their Angleton home, makes the 44-mile journey to see him every day she can, but it's not the same. They miss each other dearly and have been praying for the day Mr. B is permitted to return home.

Well, that day recently came. With insurance agreeing to retrofit their home and cover ongoing in-home care, Mr. B's medical team agreed to let Mr. B go home. However, his release was contingent on the retrofitting being complete before he returned to Angleton.

Unfortunately, when insurance inspected their home, it was determined that the retrofitting could not begin until their remaining Hurricane Harvey damage was repaired. After years of medical expenses, Mrs. B knew she could not repair the damages herself but refused to give up. She began to seek help and, through her church, was connected to the Mosaic in Action team.
Upon hearing her story, Mosaic in Action gladly took on their case. Mr. and Mrs. B are some of the most deserving people, and we feel honored to serve them in this way. We ask you to consider donating to our "Bringing Mr. B Home" fund to directly support the repairs needed to reunite this sweet couple. As soon as our repairs are complete, insurance will retrofit the home to make it accessible for Mr. B and his in-home care team.
For more information on how you can help, please email


Good Vibes and Great Times


The 24th Repair